1. Introduction

Thank you for shopping at Tovni. This policy provides detailed information about shipping rates, methods, and delivery times.

2. Shipping Rates

  • For all orders, a standard shipping fee of $4.99 is applied.Free shipping Over $50.

3. Shipping Area

  • We currently ship to addresses within the United States only.

4. Delivery Times

4.1. Standard Shipping

  • Our standard shipping typically takes between 5-7 business days.
  • Please note that during high volume seasons or during promotions, this time might vary.

4.2. Shipping Confirmation & Tracking

  • Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email.
  • This email will contain shipment details, your tracking number, and a link to the selected carrier site. By clicking the tracking number, you can monitor your order’s journey from us to you.

5. Customs, Duties & Taxes

5.1. Domestic Shipping

  • Orders shipped within the United States will not be subject to customs, duties, or taxes.

6. Damaged/Lost Orders

  • If your order is damaged upon arrival or does not arrive, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible and we will investigate the issue.

7. Questions & Contact Information

Should you have any questions regarding our shipping policy, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Note: Tovni reserves the right to modify this shipping policy at any time. Ensure you review it regularly to stay updated.

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